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Captain Kangaroo's Merry Christmas Stories


Captain Kangaroo's Favorite Stories (1992)



Michal Urbaniak

My One and Only Love


John Coltrane/Johnny Hartman

John Coltrane/Johnny Hartman

1995, GRP157

Includes "My One and Only Love"

Stan Kenton

Featuring June Christy

Grammercy Records

Includes "Shoo Fly Pie"

Mills Brothers

20th Century Masters: The Best of the Mills Brothers

Includes "Till Then"


Guy Wood

Guy B. Wood

Composer, Lyricist, Bandleader, Saxophonist

(1911 - 2001)

Guy B. Wood came from England in the 1930’s to the United States where he first worked in production at Hollywood studios and later led a dance band in New York, playing saxophone. His output of some dozen songs, for which he either wrote music or lyrics, contains several hits. “My One and Only Love” (1953) written with Robert Mellin and first recorded by Frank Sinatra, has become a jazz standard. “Shoo-Fly Pie and Apple Pan Dowdy,” a folk tune for which Wood wrote lyrics with Sammy Gallop, became a popular novelty tune recorded by artists as diverse as Dinah Shore and June Christy with the Stan Kenton band. “Till Then,” written in collaboration with Sol M. Marcus and Eddie Seiler, enjoyed several decades of success in different incarnations—as a hit for the Mills Brothers in 1944, for the Hilltoppers a decade later, and for the Classics in 1963. Wood also wrote music for the popular children’s program, Captain Kangaroo.

- Sandra Burlingame

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