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Jazz Standards

Book Review

Jazz Standards

Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation
Paperback: 256 pages
Hal Leonard
February 1, 1998
ISBN: 0793588723

If you are looking for a basic collection of the jazz standards--those that most other musicians will know--this is a good place to start. The paperback book contains some 100 songs, such as “Prelude to a Kiss,” “Misty,” and “Caravan,” with melody, chords, and lyrics. There is also a guitar chord guide in the back.

About the Bookstore
In association with where you can often buy used books for a fraction of the new price

The bookstore provides you with a catalog of 200 books associated with the jazz standards. Organized by category, each entry has an editorial comment to aid you in your research and guide you in your recreational reading.


Some of our books may be found at Amazon for two or three dollars!


The books used to research and develop are listed in this bookstore and may be considered the site bibliography.

The primary focus of these books is not always the jazz standards per se, so each entry is annotated indicating the book's relevance to the subject. If there is a book you feel we have overlooked, please let us know the title and how it supports the research or recreational study of the jazz standards.

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